Prescription Refills

Our company offers you a service of timely refilling of medications. Most of the patients who have long treatment courses can get their pills only for a short period, 1 week, 2 weeks, or a month. Such precaution is necessary to avoid overdose and drug abuse. Therefore, the prescription provided by the doctor indicates the number of tablets and the period during which the patient must refill them again. For example, you can get a prescription for four months treatment course with the possibility to refill it every month. After the prescription expiration date, the patient must visit his doctor to get a new prescription taking into account the patient’s health condition and all the adjustments. Using our pharmacy, you can not only easily get your refill, but also request us to send you reminders when your refill time is close in order to get new pills. 

Don’t waste your time on standing in line! You can refill anywhere, anytime. This is perfect for people who wish to speak with a doctor about existing meds or who need an immediate refill refill. Using our service, you can:·       Get refill notifications;·       Monitor history of refills;·       Use auto refill;·       Consult with a doctor.We’ll notify you when your refill is ready so that you can pick up it at a pharmacy or choose a delivery option.